Victor Rodriguez was a teenager who died from a hit-and-run accident. He was identified in November 2007.
Victor left his Phoenix residence following an argument with relatives about his girlfriend, who he had been spending a lot of time with. Within a day, his mother and stepfather went to the police and filed a missing person's report, but authorities were unable to link Victor to any other cases.
Victor was found dead near a west Phoenix bus stop after he was hit by a drunk driver who jumped the curb. The driver fled on foot, but was eventually arrested. He would later be sentenced to 10 and a half years in prison.
Victor's stepfather was doing research on unidentified persons on the Maricopa County Medical Examiner website on October 11, 2007, and found a morgue image of a man who resembled his stepson. Even though Victor was initially believed to be between 20-45 years old, his stepfather still went to the medical examiner, certain that the decedent was his stepson. A thumbprint taken during a health fair confirmed the match.
- The Phoenix New Times
- The Doe Network