Unidentified Wiki

Rogelio Razo Martinez was a man who was found lying in a street in Maywood, California.

He was identified around August 2022, but his body went unclaimed.


  • Black hair.
  • Brown eyes.
  • Pierced left ear.
  • Multiple tattoos:
    • "Marcado" in a ribbon across a heart, a skull, Jesus's face, and illegible writing on chest.
    • Two dots on abdomen.
    • "Julio Cesar" and a Playboy Bunny head on right arm.
    • Flying angel with a heart and a burning cross and "Toño" on left arm.
    • "Marcado," a peacock, a red rose, and three dots on back.

Clothing and accessories[]

  • Black Culture brand jeans.
  • Black Dragonfly brand shirt.
  • Denim Tommy brand shorts.
  • White tank-top.

