Unidentified Wiki

Perry County Jane Doe, also known as "Girl with the Turquoise Jewelry" was a teenager or young woman found deceased in Perry County, Pennsylvania, in 1979. 68 women have been ruled out as being the decedent.

She is currently undergoing testing by Othram.


The woman's skeletonized body was discovered along the Juanita River along a roadway. Her cause of death was never determined, but the circumstances of her recovery indicated foul play was involved.

Isotope testing was later performed on her remains, which suggested she had spent a significant amount of time in the Midwestern portion of the United States or Southern Canada when she was younger.

She had spent months preceding her death in the Southwestern portion of the United States before arriving in Pennsylvania.


  • Medium-length light brown to blond hair, possibly straight or curly.
  • Good dental hygiene.
  • Several silver fillings.
  • Upper molar extracted in late teens.
  • Evidence of impacted molar.
  • Healed fracture to one rib.
  • Petite build in life.

Clothing and accessories[]

  • Tan Mushroom Black jacket with buttons and two breast pockets.
  • White lace blouse.
  • Dark blue, ribbed undershirt.
  • White or tan bra, A cup size.
  • Blue twill pants.
  • Gray and red argyle socks.[2]
  • White leather boots with buckles, size 8.25.
  • White-metal Avon buckle chain bracelet.
  • Native American-style, sterling silver oblong ring with onyx and turquoise stone.
  • Matching set of turquoise oblong ring with matching teardrop shaped earrings and oblong necklace pendant.
  • Sterling silver ring with a black onyx stone.



For the full list of exclusions, please view the NamUs page.



  1. The FBI page states her weight was estimated to be 170 pounds, which is not reflected by other sources.
  2. Sources vary on the color of socks.