"Nude in the Nettles" is the nickname given to a woman whose remains were found near a hill named Sutton Bank, North Yorkshire following an anonymous tip in 1981. She is believed to have been murdered, but authorities have not been able to confirm how she died.
An anonymous man notified the police of the body's location, but he would not give his name. Neither the anonymous caller or the woman have ever been identified, and the caller remains a person of interest in the case.
The woman's remains were exhumed in January 2012 in the hopes of utilising DNA technology, and a full profile was established later that year. Several people have come forward to test their DNA against the woman in hopes of finding a familial match, but no match has been found.
- Full upper denture plate and only 6 lower teeth remained.
- Stained teeth - possibly due to poor dental hygiene and/or smoking.
- Previous right ankle fracture.
- Her toenails were painted pink.
- She was of a slender build.
- Abnormality with upper neck vertebrae which would have caused back ache/pain.
- Short brown hair.
- She had a displaced septum.
- She had previously given birth to two or three children.