Unidentified Wiki

Luis Alonso Paredes was a man found in a lime-filled shallow grave in Mohave County, Arizona, on November 23, 1976. He was identified through fingerprints in December 2023, but no next-of-kin could be located.


The victim was discovered by a group of hikers in the desert near Lake Mohave, on the border of Arizona and Nevada. An autopsy indicated that the victim was shot in the head at close range, and fingerprints were collected during the autopsy, but the case soon became cold.

In October 2023, the Mohave County Sheriff's Office revived the investigation and began comparing the fingerprints to all available fingerprint records. On December 26, 2023, the fingerprint records matched Luis Paredes's.

Details provided by the MCSO indicate that Luis, who is originally from El Salvador, may have been living or working in or around Las Vegas, Nevada, at the time of his death. Additionally, he may have been employed with the United States Navy or United States Coast Guard in or around San Francisco, California, about ten years before his death.

Since Luis' identification, the MCSO has encouraged members of the public to come forward with information concerning his murder, or that could help them locate his relatives.


  • Medium brown hair.
UP85990 2


Clothing and accessories[]

  • Yellow Ashley brand long-sleeved sports shirt.
  • Levi jeans.
  • Black western boots.
  • Gold ring with synthetic tiger-eye stone.

