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Unidentified Wiki

Harris County Jane Doe was a woman who Samuel Little confessed to killing in Houston, Texas between 1976 and 1979 or in 1993.


In 2018, Samuel Little confessed to killing a woman in Houston, Texas between 1976 and 1979 or in 1993. He came through Houston via the I-10 and got off on the freeway. After some cruising, he found the victim, who was a prostitute, and picked her up. She told him to drive in an unspecified location to which he obliged. Little admits to not having sex with her, but he still strangled her and dumped her body off the road afterwards.

Between 1970 and 2005, Little killed up to 93 women, many of whom were involved in drugs or prostitution. He has been convicted of eight murders in three states and linked to sixty-one murders. Although this victim's body has not been recovered, all of Little's confessions are considered credible. Despite Little's death on December 30, 2020, the investigation into his crimes are ongoing.

