Unidentified Wiki

Antoine Edmond Sr. was an elderly man who disappeared from Boutte, Louisiana following Hurricane Isaac passing through. His remains were found in November 2016 and identified three months later.


Antoine Edmond Sr. resided in a trailer on Magnolia Ridge Road with his son. He had lived in Boutte for 52 years and was a longtime hunter and fisherman. He was last seen by his son the morning after Hurricane Isaac made landfall and hit the parish. When he realized his father was missing, Antoine Jr. called the St. Charles Parish Sheriff's Office for assistance and conducted his own search with the help of his cousin Dwayne Simmons. No one was able to find any signs or clues about what happened to Antoine Sr.

Antoine Sr. was previously diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, although his son stated that he was still very independent, and while he could sometimes forget things and wander off, it was not severe enough that he would forget his name, for example. Additionally, Antoine Jr. did not believe his father could have gotten lost in the woods behind his home due to his outdoorsman history and believed that he could still be alive.

In November 2016, the remains of an individual were located in a wooded area south of Acorn Street. In February 2017, they were identified as Antoine Sr.'s by DNA. Foul play is not suspected in his death, and it is presumed he died when Hurricane Isaac passed through[1]. He is now buried with his wife, Adiner, at Saint Mary's Cemetery in Boutte.


  • Red shirt.
  • Blue jeans.
  • Was wearing no shoes.



  1. Five people in the state of Louisiana listed as Hurricane Isaac victims (both direct and indirect), Antoine Edmond Sr. is not among them.