Alfred Jake Fuller was the alias used by a man who was found dead in his apartment in 2014.
He was identified in December 2018, and his relatives have requested that his name not be released to the public.
The victim had been living in an apartment on Main Street in Oakland, Maine. He had been renting his apartment as "Alfred Jake Fuller" and had given his date of birth as 11/08/1970. On May 2, 2014, Alfred's landlord entered his room to find him deceased in his bed. He had an enlarged heart and his death was ruled natural.
The only identification found in the room was a "Bail Enforcement Agent" card from the U.S Marshall's Office, which identified the owner as Alfred. Further investigation would reveal that no one under the name Alfred Jake Fuller matching the victim's profile even existed, and the U.S Marshall's Office have no record of anyone under Alfred's name in their agency.
He was identified by the DNA Doe Project in December 2018. Law enforcement confirmed the identification and the victim's relatives have asked for his real name not to be released.
- Light brown and gray hair with a curly texture.
- Blue discoloration on his left cheek.
- A large mole between his shoulder blades.
- Although the medical examiner could not determine his eye color, DNA analysis indicates a very light blue coloration.
- He was primarily European with slight Asian and North African ancestry.
Clothing and accessories[]
- Green shirt.
- Blue jacket with a zipper.
- Blue sweatpants.
- Dirty white sneaker-type socks.
- Compass pendant on a cord.
- Large cross on a white-metal chain.
- Prepaid debit card.
- "Fugitive Recovery Agent" card.